To us, this means everyone belongs—people of all races, ethnicities, abilities, ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, and economic levels. It also means seeking to build God’s kingdom of justice and equity in the community around us. The shared meal of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday nourishes us in this work. Together, we share joy, sorrow, grace, and laughter along the journey.

We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being. In the Episcopal Church, women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God and can be expressed by all people in our church. 

To us, this means everyone belongs—people of all races, ethnicities, abilities, ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, and economic levels. It also means seeking to build God’s kingdom of justice and equity in the community around us. The shared meal of the Holy Eucharist on Sunday nourishes us in this work. Together, we share joy, sorrow, grace, and laughter along the journey.

We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being. In the Episcopal Church, women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God and can be expressed by all people in our church. 

His commandment to love God and
           love our neighbor as ourselves is our calling.

His commandment to love God
and love our neighbor as ourselves is our calling.

who strive to
follow the way that
models and teaches. 

of people

warm & inclusive


Just because we’ve always done it that way is not a sufficient reason for continuing to do it that way. Progress comes from imagination and innovation, not memory.


We seek to model Christ via the Holy Spirit and be formed in His likeness. The Good News of Jesus Christ is relevant to our life. It’s not just what Jesus said, but how He lived.


We focus on following God’s lead for us. We learn from others and adapt it to our unique situation.


People desire an evolving, fulfilling relationship with the living God. Christianity is a relationship, not religion.


We exist for those who are not yet a part of our community. We pursue fellowship and service opportunities to significantly connect with others.


We seek spiritual inspiration and renewal to keenly experience God’s presence and allow Him to heal, enrich and transform us from the inside out.


We accept you wherever you are in your faith journey and trust God to take you where God wants you on God’s timetable.


We are open to all opportunities as we discern where God is leading us and who God is calling us to be.

Actively Open to God

We are open to all opportunities as we discern where God is leading us and who God is calling us to be.

actively open to god


People desire an evolving, fulfilling relationship with the living God. Christianity is a relationship, not religion.



We accept you wherever you are in your faith journey and trust God to take you where God wants you on God’s timetable.



We focus on following God’s lead for us. We learn from others and adapt it to our unique situation.



We seek spiritual inspiration and renewal to keenly experience God’s presence and allow Him to heal, enrich and transform us from the inside out.



We seek to model Christ via the Holy Spirit and be formed in His likeness. The Good News of Jesus Christ is relevant to our life. It’s not just what Jesus said, but how He lived.



We exist for those who are not yet a part of our community. We pursue fellowship and service opportunities to significantly connect with others.



Just because we’ve always done it that way is not a sufficient reason for continuing to do it that way. Progress comes from imagination and innovation, not memory.




called to be



All signify the same holy service of bread and wine shared in the community.

This “family meal” offered to all the baptized is meant to connect us and to all followers of Christ across time and space. As we gather at the table, we receive the bread and wine as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet which we will someday share together.

We gather as a community to hear the Word of God in readings from Scripture, to reflect on our lives and God’s calling in the sermon, to confess how we have failed one another and God and then seek and receive God’s forgiveness, and to pray together, lifting up ourselves, our community, and our world to God, and to affirm our faith through the creeds. We then share together in the “Great Thanksgiving,” the bread and wine of the Eucharist.

Fed and sustained by our time together, and by the presence of Christ in the bread and wine, the service concludes with a blessing as we go forth into the world to love as Christ loves us and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Holy Communion, Holy Eucharist,
Mass, and
the Lord’s Supper.

Worship is known by many names, including;

called to

All signify the same holy service of bread and wine shared in the community.

This “family meal” offered to all the baptized is meant to connect us and to all followers of Christ across time and space. As we gather at the table, we receive the bread and wine as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet which we will someday share together.

We gather as a community to hear the Word of God in readings from Scripture, to reflect on our lives and God’s calling in the sermon, to confess how we have failed one another and God and then seek and receive God’s forgiveness, and to pray together, lifting up ourselves, our community, and our world to God, and to affirm our faith through the creeds. We then share together in the “Great Thanksgiving,” the bread and wine of the Eucharist.

Fed and sustained by our time together, and by the presence of Christ in the bread and wine, the service concludes with a blessing as we go forth into the world to love as Christ loves us and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Worship is known by many names, including;
      Holy Communion, Holy Eucharist, Mass, and the Lord’s Supper. 

called to WORSHIP


The vows taken with the Baptismal Covenant commit us to live our faith in the world. The festive celebration of Holy Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions for the entire church. It is offered to church members of all ages. We offer adult baptismal candidates classes in preparation for this momentous commitment. Parents who wish to baptize children should be active members of this or some other congregation so that they can carry out their promises.


Confirmation, Reception (from other liturgical traditions), and Reaffirmation allow teenagers and adults to sacramentally and publicly say “yes” to Jesus and His church. To be confirmed is to be strengthened for ministry by the Holy Spirit and laying on of apostolic hands. Individuals must have been baptized, sufficiently instructed in the Christian faith, repentant of their sins, and stand ready to affirm Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 


Weddings are joyful celebrations of a couple’s commitment to each other. It is the marriage itself, the lifelong, loving relationship formed and nurtured between these two people, that is truly holy. Marriage in the Episcopal tradition is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible transformation. By entering marriage within the context of the church, a couple recognizes and celebrates God’s sustaining presence in their marriage.


Death is a natural part of life; and while physical death is inevitable, we also believe it is not the end. We believe “because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too, shall be raised.” Thus, a funeral service, called “Burial of the Dead” in the Book of Common Prayer, is focused on our hope and joy in the resurrection. It is a deeply holy moment to walk with the family and friends of the deceased as they celebrate and give thanks for their loved one in a funeral service.



WE are called to lead A

Death is a natural part of life; and while physical death is inevitable, we also believe it is not the end. We believe “because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too, shall be raised.” Thus, a funeral service, called “Burial of the Dead” in the Book of Common Prayer, is focused on our hope and joy in the resurrection. It is a deeply holy moment to walk with the family and friends of the deceased as they celebrate and give thanks for their loved one in a funeral service.


Weddings are joyful celebrations of a couple’s commitment to each other. It is the marriage itself, the lifelong, loving relationship formed and nurtured between these two people, that is truly holy. Marriage in the Episcopal tradition is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible transformation. By entering marriage within the context of the church, a couple recognizes and celebrates God’s sustaining presence in their marriage.


Confirmation, Reception (from other liturgical traditions), and Reaffirmation allow teenagers and adults to sacramentally and publicly say “yes” to Jesus and His church. To be confirmed is to be strengthened for ministry by the Holy Spirit and laying on of apostolic hands. Individuals must have been baptized, sufficiently instructed in the Christian faith, repentant of their sins, and stand ready to affirm Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 


The vows taken with the Baptismal Covenant commit us to live our faith in the world. The festive celebration of Holy Baptism is one of the most joyful occasions for the entire church. It is offered to church members of all ages. We offer adult baptismal candidates classes in preparation for this momentous commitment. Parents who wish to baptize children should be active members of this or some other congregation so that they can carry out their promises.



10 am livestream worship

SUNDAY services
IN PERSON: 8 & 10 AM